LifeLock Mobile Onboarding

Create a seamless onboarding experience that bridges the gap between purchase and product usage, driving feature activation and positively impacting retention.

Impact: More than doubled the activation rate compared to the previous benchmark.

My Role

Lead Designer


8 Months


User Research, Product Design, Hi-fi Mockups, Prototypes


iOS, Android

What does LifeLock do?
LifeLock is the #1 most recognized brand in identity theft protection. We detect and alert you possible threats, making it easy to help protect user against identity theft, financial fraud, and more. If users think their identity may have been stolen, we work to fix it.

With so much of your personal information online, it's dangerously easy for someone to steal your identity.

Did you know?

There's a victim of identity theft in the U.S. every 3 seconds.*


More than 63M Americans have been affected by identity theft.*


Over $29B were stolen from identity theft victims in 2022.**

*Based on an online survey of 5,004 adults in the U.S. conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of Gen™ (formerly NortonLifeLock), January 2023.
**Based on an online survey of 505 U.S. adults who experienced ID theft in 2022, conducted for Gen™ by The Harris Poll, January 2023.

The requirement
LifeLock launched our in-app purchase flow later in the end of 2023, we enabled users to buy directly through the app store, rather than only through our web store as before.
“We aim to develop a mobile onboarding experience that enhances product engagement by improving feature discovery and activation for LifeLock standalone users. This will help users unlock the full value of their subscription, leading to better retention.”
Current Problems
Members are often unaware of all features in their Identity plan, questioning the plan's value.

Feature Awareness

Members are often unaware of all features in their Identity plan, questioning the plan's value.

“I am paying LifeLock a lot, what did I exactly get?”

Low Activation Rate

Financial Transaction' activation rate is only 13%, impacts members' protection and monitoring capabilities.

Activation processes can be tedious and time-consuming, affecting member satisfaction and NPS.

“Setting it up is very tedious and difficult. I want to use another app.
Prioritize the task
Based on that, I summarized the our user goals and business goals, all of these helped me to define my design goals.
User Journey
I started to map out the user journey to align with the goals I defined, the general idea here is to visually guiding them through the auto-activated features to give an immediate sense of progress, and leverage existing data to minimize any re-entry effort during activation.

I've divided the onboarding journey into a few stages, beginning from purchase to auto activate, ID verification, which is a process they need to do for credit monitoring, following the initial steps, the activation journey will adapt based on the user’s SKU:
  • For higher-tier SKUs, we’ll encourage users to activate key features like credit lock, utilizing accounts info extracted from their credit report to prompt them to setup financial transaction monitoring. Once completed, we celebrate their successful setup to welcome them.
  • For lower-tier SKUs, we’ll initiate a dark web monitoring scan using the data provided, reinforcing the value by highlighting any historical breach happened before. 
Design iterations



User Goals - Understand and select a plan

During purchase, users need to go through from paywall to select a plan, then create an account before they make purchase. Below design was done by pervious designer before I switched to identity team. The current drop-off mainly happened around plan selection.

Current Problems




  • Users must scroll to the bottom to view the price;
  • Switching between monthly and annual billing requires an additional tap;
  • Hard for user to compare features because they can’t easily see what each option includes;


I conducted user testing on this version and gathered valuable insights to guide further iterations.



User appreciated the new layout for displaying annual and monthly prices together;

User liked the side-by-side comparison view and found it easy to understand the three purchase plans.

However, not all the tested user noticed the entry;

Some users didn’t realize they need to tap to expand each feature;

Some user are unsure if green dots mean available and red dots mean unavailable;

Revised Solution

I applied the insights from the research to develop the following design. These screens are currently being implemented within our In-Product Messaging framework, enabling easy A/B testing for future content adjustments.



Add a "Compare" button to open a contextual bottom sheet, allowing users to easily view a side-by-side comparison of the three plans;

User found the revised green check marks and red “x” are easier to understand;

Participants understand they can expand each feature to learn more;




User Goals -  Quickly see the product value

I worked with the PM to identify three core features—Insurance, Restoration, and Dark Web Monitoring—that are included across all of our SKUs. My goal was to auto-activate as many of these features as possible and visually communicate the activation process so users feel protected and empowered right away. I collaborated closely with our illustrator to brainstorm ideas, ultimately deciding to use consistent characters throughout the onboarding journey to create a cohesive and engaging experience.

User testing participants found this made them feel good that the app was protecting them immediately.


Action Optional

There are also a couple of optional actions user need to take. I redesigned these screens and gave it more fresh and consistent look, clearly indicated the value and impact about why user can get a better protection from it. User testing participants liked how LifeLock showed them the benefits of turning on notifications and Face ID/Biometric Setup.  




ID Verification

User Goals - Understand how their personal info will be utilized

After auto-activation, we need user to provide some personal information to verify their identity. Even for a trusted product like LifeLock, users expect transparency about how their information will be used. More importantly, they want clear communication about the benefits they will gain by providing it.

User testing participants appreciated the added blue widgets, as they clearly explained how LifeLock would use their information and reassured them it would not impact their credit score. They did not have any issue providing authorization afterwards.








Manual Activation

User Goals - Minimize effort required

After use pass the ID verification process, the activation journey will adapt based on the user’s SKU.

High Sku Flow

For higher-tier SKUs, we’ll encourage users to activate key features like credit lock, utilizing accounts information extracted from their credit report to prompt them to setup financial transaction monitoring.

Credit Screen Iteration

Since we automatically pull credit information when users first join LifeLock, I present their credit score immediately to highlight our value and encourage them to enable the credit lock feature. However, feedback from user testing was not as positive as anticipated. Below is an overview of my iteration process, detailing how I addressed the insights gathered from user testing.


Participants were confused when their credit score and locks were shown simultaneously;

User doesn’t understand what is payday loan lock and would like to know more about its benefits. 

Some users were wondering why it’s only TransUnion not all 3 bureaus;

Not all the tested users noticed the reminder regarding unlock;




Added a transitional message to inform users that their score was located first;

Reduced the number of locks displayed, emphasizing credit locks to increase feature awareness during onboarding;

Moved the reminder message up to clarify scenarios requiring unlock;

Explained the other two bureaus within tooltip-triggered bottom sheets for additional context and understanding;

Transaction Monitoring Activation Design

After users activate the lock feature, I explain that we found their accounts from their credit report and encourage them to add accounts for monitoring financial activities. This approach minimizes the need for additional manual input.



  • Minimized the need for additional manual input;
  • User understood that these accounts were found via their credit report;

Low Sku Flow

For all of our new users, we currently send historical dark web monitoring alerts after user purchase to indicate any historical breaches, but except alerts, we haven’t visually communicated this process to users. For those users who has lower sku, they don’t have credit locks and transaction monitoring, I believe onboarding is a great opportunity to introduce Dark Web Monitoring feature, reinforcing our value from the start.

  • Visually highlight our Dark Web Monitoring scan results directly, so users immediately see their historical exposure details after the scan;
  • Reinforces our value and helps users understand the immediate impact of their protection;





User Goals - Feel reassured

I collaborated closely with the illustrator to ensure the user journey was thoughtfully carried through. We designed a celebratory moment at the end of onboarding to mark users' successful setup and warmly welcome them to the LifeLock family.



edge cases
Except the happy flow, several edge case scenarios also need careful planning:
  • If a user fails ID verification, we initiate the Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA) process.
  • If they fail three times, we offer a plan without credit monitoring.
  • If no exposures are found within the common categories defined with the PM, we display an alternate results screen.
  • If there is delay in fetching user’s credit data, user will be taken to the dashboard first, then reengage when the data is ready. 





celebrate success
We launched this onboarding experience on June 27th, 2024, and have been actively monitoring its performance since then. In the first three months post-launch, we are seeing strong success with our new onboarding flow.

Credit Locks

  • 45.4% of users toggled credit lock;
  • Among the user who turned on locks, only 5% user decided to unlock during onboarding;

Transaction Monitoring

  • 71.6% of users picked an account and started the flow;
  • 29.7% of users finished the process and have connected at least one financial account, achieved more than twice the activation rate compared to the previous benchmark;